Shipping and Delivery

Apnaonlins.Com Business Model is B2B  B2B have many sellers and different stores, whereas B2C, is usually just one supplier. B2B concentrates on raw data for another company, but B2C focuses on producing something for consumers. A B2B transaction entails direct-sourcing contract management, which involves negotiating terms that establish prices and various other factors such as volume-based pricing, carrier and logistics preferences, etc. B2C transaction is clearer, it has spot sourcing contract management that offers a flat retail rate for each item sold. Time is also a difference as B2B has a slower process than B2C which is concluded in shorter periods (that could be minutes or days). Business-to-business generally requires an upfront investment whereas business-to-customers does not need a business to spend money on infrastructure. The last difference mentioned here is that in B2B they have to deal with back-office connectivity and invoicing a number of different partners and suppliers, while B2C results in more seamless transactions as options, such as cyber-cash, allows the business to accept a wider variety of payment options. B2B, as there are normally bigger amounts involved over longer periods of time, usually have higher costs than B2C which tends to consist of quick, daily transactions. In B2B, the brand the reputation depends on is the personal relationship between the businesses. On the other hand, in B2C, the business's reputation is often fuelled through publicity and the media.